Cauliflower soup (Ciorba de conopida)
Cauliflower soup Ingredients
Ingredients: - a bag of chicken wings - a cauliflower - 3 carrots - a gulioara - a red pepper - salt - Vegeta - one tablespoon flour - 800 ml cream. + Add to the list!
Cauliflower soup Preparation
Place wings in a pot to boil, put Vegeta and salt to taste and let boil Meanwhile peel carrots, gulioara, red peppers that give the grater (the largest mesh) and put in a saucepan quality with 3-4 tablespoons oil, then put in hardened vegetable broth has boiled After a little cauliflower soup place to pieces smaller still and let the dish boil in a deep place a good tablespoon 4 tablespoons flour with some cream and stir well with a fork (do not rub well to remain pieces of flour) and then put the rest of the cream mix and pour cream over soup and more in the end let longer yield about 5 min to give Serve with hot pepper or lust