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Cheese cake with apples and cottage cheese

Cheese cake with apples and cottage cheese

Ingredients for Cheese cake with apples and cottage cheese

50 g Cornstarch
100 grams Flour
1 pc Egg
50 g Sugar
75 grams Butter
500 gl Apples
2 pcs Yolk
250 grams Quark
75 grams Sugar
20 g Cornstarch
1 Pk Lemon peel
2 pcs Protein

Cheese cake with apples and cottage cheese Directions

Flour and cornstarch in a bowl, knead it with egg, sugar and butter. The dough and refrigerate for half an hour.

Peel apples and cut them into columns. Grease a springform pan. Roll out dough and press into the mold. At the edge pull. Apple slices spread on the dough.

Mix the egg yolks, cottage cheese, sugar, cornstarch and lemon peel. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the quark mass. Pour batter over the apples.

Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees about 45 minutes.


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