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Rainbow cake almondyogurt cake

Rainbow cake almondyogurt cake

Ingredients for Rainbow cake almondyogurt cake

200 grams Flour
1 pc Egg
100 grams Marzipan
50 g Sugar
100 grams Margarine
10 tablespoons Milk
200 grams Natural yoghurt
1 1 / 2 tsp Baking powder
1 / 2 tsp Soda
some red food coloring
some yellow food coloring
some blue food coloring

Rainbow cake almondyogurt cake Directions

Preheat the oven to 175 ° C preheat.

A springform pan with 20 cm thick.

Margarine, sugar, yogurt and egg until smooth.

Blend milk and almond paste in a blender to give the other ingredients and mix well.

Flour, baking soda and baking powder, seven of the other ingredients and stir.

Divide dough into three bowls and each with a different colored food coloring. One red, one blue and one yellow.

Now give the batter alternately into the mold.

Beginning in the middle of the dough form with the yellow, then blue, then the red dough. Always put a tablespoon full each to the other batter. Repeat this process until the dough is used up.

The Fom in the oven and bake the cake for about 70 minutes. If the cake before the end of baking time already browned nicely, this cover with aluminum foil and bake something.

Let the cake cool after baking to cool briefly in the form of take out, and then leave.


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