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Peaches baked

Peaches baked

Ingredients for Peaches baked

1 box Peaches
1 Pk Biscotti (almond cookies)
1 tbsp Candied lemon peel
100 grams Walnuts
2 tsp Honey
1 Prov Amaretto (almond liqueur)
20 g Butter
1 Pk Raspberry ice cream

Peaches baked Directions

Canned peaches then strain through a sieve. The 8 best fruit pick out half a teaspoon and deepen the excavation. No question: In the peach time course uses fresh fruit.

Choose the size of the baking dish so that it is filled with peaches.

The very thin streak casserole with butter, peach halves use.

Cantucchini chop. The peach-sections and chop the lemon peel as small. Anything with the chopped walnuts mix. Mix the Amaretto with honey and egg yolk to give under the filling. The peaches to fill, pour over baked with Marsalla and 20 minutes in the oven.

The finished cake with powdered sugar. A scoop of ice cream will always fit to do so.


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