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Colorful Cross cooking rice rice with radish olives and basil Recipe

Colorful Cross cooking rice rice with radish olives and basil

Recipe Ingredients for Colorful Cross cooking rice rice with radish olives and basil

280 grams Rice
1 bunch Radishes
4 tbsp black, pitted olives
1 bunch Basil
280 grams strong chicken broth
140 grams strong broth
70 grams Cream
70 grams White wine

Colorful Cross cooking rice rice with radish olives and basil Recipe Directions

The olives chop very finely. The radishes and green from the roots free. Wash radishes, sliced ​​and then cut into strips. The Green Wash thoroughly and chop half of them very fine.

Wash basil toss and chop finely.

The rice with the liquids together in a pot and give one boil. Then the lid on the pot and turn off the stove.

When the rice has been drenched, which takes about 20 minutes, radishes, olives and basil add. Mix together thoroughly and serve immediately.


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