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Alkalis Sandwiches Recipe

Alkalis Sandwiches

Recipe Ingredients for Alkalis Sandwiches

100 grams Sour cream, for example by Milram
1 tsp medium-hot mustard
white pepper
4th Salad leaves (such as romaine lettuce) 1st medium red onion
4th Laugenstangen 4th thick slices of meat loaf (60 g)
2 Pk (À 175 g) cream cheese (55% fat
), For example by Milram

Alkalis Sandwiches Recipe Directions

Stir sour cream and mustard. Season with salt and pepper. Wash the lettuce, drain well. Peel onion and cut into thin rings. Laugenstangen halved again crosswise, brush with mustard cream. Each slice meat loaf into thirds. Cheese slices rolled up, occupy the lower Laugenstangen with salad. Cheese, onions, cheese and meat to distribute. Upper lid on top. © Milram p>


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